John Walshe
Antisocial has been a long time making its way from the studio to the record shop but the good news is that, like the famous scene in Ice Cold In Alex, the result was certainly worth waiting for. Right from the opening ode to sexual frustration that is ‘Too Much Make Up’, the drums are taut and edgy, the guitars fire staccato bursts of razor-sharp hooks, the bass rumbles menacingly, and Ollie Cole proves himself one of the country’s most under-rated vocalists.

While some people would have been quick to dismiss Turn as three-minute punk poppers grasping straight for the jugular, much of Antisocial sees Ollie, Gavin and Ian displaying a lighter and defter musical touch, with heavier emotional content.

The real highlight, though, is the magnificent title track. Ollie’s guitar picking takes on new heights and his tonsils almost drip with melancholy as they (ahem) turn in their most complete song to date.

To many ears, Antisocial will sound a more multifaceted and mature debut than a lot of people would have expected from Turn, but they have more than delivered on the promise of their live show.

With JJ72 charging up the charts, Wilt power-popping their way into more hearts by the minute, and these guys showing more combined talent than the entire Premiership, could 2000 be the year of Dubchester©?